Let our bench be yours

We’re an experienced team of skilled communicators and creative collaborators

Meet Our Team

Paul Oakley

Founder and CEO

Rachel Withers

Rachel Withers


Elizabeth Crenshaw headshot

Elizabeth Crenshaw

Senior Marketing Communications Associate

Michael Curtis

Michael Curtis

Marketing Communications Manager

Sydney Goggans headshot

Sydney Goggans

Senior Marketing Communications Associate

Allison Heard headshot

Allison Heard

Senior Marketing Communications Manager

Kamryn Heath headshot

Kamryn Heath

Marketing Communications Manager

Brittnei Krafzig headshot

Brittnei Krafzig

Director of Operations

J.T. Landry headshot

J.T. Landry

Marketing Communications Director

Paige Maynard headshot

Paige Maynard

Office Manager

Jordan Moore Headshot

Jordan Moore

Marketing Communications Manager


Aspiring Communications Professional

Strategic Partners

adaire putnam

Adaire Putnam

Sustainability and CSR Strategy

Ariana Attigliato

Human Resources Consulting

Sylvia Bachmann Strategist, Writer and Manager of Tiny Mighty

Sylvia Bachmann

Strategist, Writer and Manager

Lou Everhart

Creative Direction and Graphic Design

Gaylord Gardner General Counsel of Tiny Mighty

Gaylord Gardner

General Counsel

Jocelyn Harms Brand Storyteller of Tiny Mighty

Jocelyn Harms

Brand Storyteller

Jenny Karn Digital and Project Management of Tiny Mighty

Jenny Karn

Digital and Project Management

Heather Locke Web Development of Tiny Mighty

Heather Locke

Web Development

Nathan Morgan Strategic Partner of Tiny Mighty

Nathan Morgan

Visual Storyteller